What Does Professionally Supported Mean?
Our protocol itself is professionally supported. Nutritionists, dietitians, and physicians were involved in the creation and modification of the program. You will not be seen by any doctors on this program. Physicians have helped solidify this program and today our health consultants bring this protocol to life.
Is it Necessary to See a Doctor While on the Soza Program?
You should get the approval of your primary doctor before going on any weight loss program. We do not want to take the role of your doctors. It is our belief that you should maintain your existing relationships with all your physicians, without the unnecessary expensive testing and procedures many "medical weight loss programs" put you through. We can send your physician a letter outlining our programs and goals in order for them to continue to care for your medical needs. We are here to support you in your weight loss goals, using the safe methods created by physicians.
Is the Soza Program Safe?
Yes absolutely! Even though you could lose anywhere from ½ pound a pound a day, you are losing fat and not lean muscle mass, eating nutrient dense healthy foods and taking vitamins and supplements to support health. It’s a given that excess weight is a definite health risk. Generally speaking most of our clients report feeling better while on the program. Maintaining regular visits with your physician important, at SOZA we frequently receive reports that there have been over all health improvement as a result of the healthy lifestyle change our clients adopt.
Why Is it Hard to Lose Weight on My Own?
Today we are constantly bombarded with so many different fads and diets from the media and misinformation available on the internet even by health care professionals. Attempting a weight loss program on your own does not address all factors attributed to weight loss. In addition, wrong information leads to lack of weight loss, weight gain or fluctuations which ultimately lead to frustration and eventual failure. We help provide all the metabolic factors and correct information necessary to lose weight, effectively and safely. We are here to provide you with a proprietary proven method of weight loss that has helped treat close to. 5,000 clients in the greater New Orleans and Baton Rouge areas.
Why Does this Work Where Other Programs Have Failed?
There a number of factors that attribute to “diet failure” and at SOZA, our comprehensive approach addresses them all. The number one reason programs fail is blood sugar instability, your sugars drop, you experience agitation, headaches shakiness and before you know it you have eaten the very first thing you see. And it’s usually sugar laden. Our program is designed to stabilize blood sugars to avoid those pitfalls entirely. Hunger and cravings are another reason for failure. Our products and program combined effectually mange both those issues. Then there is always the slow nature if weight loss. Most people become discouraged losing only a pound a week. The rapid nature of our program keeps our clients motivated so they stay the course! We provide support to our clients throughout the program, unlimited access to our staff gives our clients someone to reach out to for advice, guidance and most of all support. These are the reasons why SOZA Works!
How Fast Until I See Results?
This is what makes our program so amazing. The results are quick and in a week you could easily lose up to 7 pounds**. We have seen people lose even more. Your energy levels will increase, stress will decrease, but more importantly you will be very motivated and tell all your friends about this program. Research has shown that slow weight loss reduces the chances of reaching your goal weight, and could keep you at current health risks.
Is this Pre-Packaged Foods?
We do not advocate pre-packaged foods. Most pre-packaged foods are full of preservatives and chemicals. What will you do once you are off these foods? With the Soza protocol you will be eating real foods, low calorie but nutrient dense. We want you to learn what foods to eat today and always. Our food list is a proprietary food list specifically designed for fat loss.
Do I Get Support?
Definitely, our health consultants are highly trained and they see many patients daily. We advise you to come to the clinic weekly for weigh-ins and follow ups. In addition to office visits our staff is always available by phone to provide support and answer any questions you may have. At each visit we will show you how many pound and more importantly how many inches you have lost. We will also work with you one on one to offer guidance, suggestions and solutions to any difficulties you may have.
What About Diabetes & High Blood Pressure?
There are so many clients that come to us with diabetes and high blood pressure medication. For most people diabetes and hypertension are the direct result of diet and weight. At SOZA both of these factors will improve, resulting in reduction of blood sugars, blood pressures and even cholesterol levels. As you lose weight on our program, you will be instructed to monitor your blood sugar and blood pressure levels and communicate the improvement you will see to your physician so the appropriate adjustments to your medication can be made. We have seen many patients in an incredibly short period of time show significant improvements and we see clients every day who are able to significantly reduce or even remove their medication entirely!
Does this Program Interfere with my Medication?
Our program is an all-natural solution that absolutely does not interfere with medication. Everything we do is natural that does not include stimulant diet pills including phentermine like many other weight loss programs out there. However, you should always check with your physician before beginning any weight loss program. When you come in for your consultation we will be happy to give you information you can bring to your physician
Is this an Exercise Program?
It is not an exercise program. Nutrition is by far the most effective method of achieving weight loss. We do however want you to be active and recommend walking or low intensity exercise to keep your metabolism boosted and for maintaining muscle. Weight loss cannot be done with exercise alone. This requires a system or a protocol like Soza!
What Happens When I Am Finished with the Protocol? Do I Gain the Weight Back?
Now that you have lost fat and not lean muscle mass, you will likely not be gaining the weight back. Unlike diet pills and phentermines that cause your appetite to be suppressed and artificially stimulate your metabolism our program targets fat and stimulates your metabolism naturally. Our nutrition plan will help you develop better eating habits and our stabilization phase allows your body a “rest period” so it will reset at your new weight this phase also allows you to return to regular life while having gained the tools to maintain your new weight. This is why SOZA is the most comprehensive program around. Best of all our protocol includes a 21 day stabilization phase that is FREE of charge!
Is this Program Expensive?
Our program is as affordable as most diet programs out there if not more so. We believe that everyone has the right to lose weight and for this reason we have many affordable programs to choose from including finance options for those that need it. The longer you stay on some other common commercial weight loss programs the more expensive they become. Not at SOZA! Returning or continuing clients are offered special incentives to make continuing less expensive!
*statements are based on theories and assumptions by the Soza Clinic team.
** this happens when following our program closely and accurately, as many patients have in the past.
Soza Ultra Pure
Is a water based formulary with the same weight loss and hunger control provided by Soza Ultra. Soza Pure is designed for those unable to tolerate alcohol based products for health or religious purposes. Soza Pure is also recommended for adolescents on the Soza Plan.
Soza Peak
Peak is a synergistic blend of ingredients containing herbs and botanicals to assist in controlling appetite and cravings. It boasts natural caffeine in the form of dark cocoa beans (Chocamine) to provide a thermogenic effect, as well as providing extra energy to get you through your day. (Soza Peak is part of the Ultra Program and can be substituted for patients that are caffeine sensitive).
Soza Peak Advantage
Thermogenic, ephedra-free weight loss and appetite suppressant and mood support formulated with Garcinia Cambogia. Called "the most existing breakthrough in natural weight loss" by Dr OZ, because its benefits are unlike any other. Garcinia Cambogia Extract, also known as HCA, comes from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit found mainly in the tropics surrounding the Pacific Ocean. The fruit is a small, yellow, pumpkin-shaped tamarind.
Garcinia Cambogia has shown to increase serotonin levels which act as a neurotransmitter and hormone that controls many functions, including prevention of huger cravings and emotional eating habits. Garcinia Cambogia has also been found to slow down production of an enzyme called citrate lyase, which turns unused carbohydrates into fat.
Soza Ultra Advantage Spray
Ultra Advantage Spray for weight loss and hunger control is an ALL-NATURAL proprietary formula that was created to support the body’s ability to achieve maximum weight loss. Ultra Advantage is an oral sublingual spray which serves as the fundamental basis of our weight loss plan and has effectively helped thousands lose weight. Each ingredient is FDA registered,† has been time tested to support weight loss. None of the ingredients in Ultra Advantage are known to have caused any harmful effects.†† Ultra Advantage functions by providing glandular support of the endocrine system. By supporting the endocrine system, it curbs appetite, balances hunger, and boosts the basal metabolic rate required for rapid weight loss.††
Soza Adrenal Energy Support
This helps with stress, anxiety, and weight loss. Glandular based adrenal product, offering comprehensive support for overall adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function. Maintaining ideal levels of cortisol, referred to as the "stress hormone" is critical to health. The adrenals secrete this hormone is response to stress. Higher than normal levels of stress for prolonged periods of time, as seen with chronic stress, have a negative effect on the body.
For example, cortisol increases serum blood glucose and insulin levels, inducing dysglycemia (unhealthy blood sugars) and layering the foundation for metabolic syndrome. Over time, elevated cortisol levels have detrimental repercussions on adrenal glands causing them to "burn out" so that they no longer scan produce sufficient quantities of cortisol for the body to handle stress.
The combination of ingredients in this complex work synergistically to promote proper homeostasis of serum cortisol, support adrenal cortical health and replete common nutritional deficiencies that can result from chronic stress. Soza Adrenal Energy Support during exposure to chronic stress may reduce side effects such as anxiety and weight gain in the mid-section.
Soza Aloe Lax Pro
A safe,natural, non-addictive, nonirritating laxative formulated to assist in cleansing of the bowels and helps with constipation. Soza Aloe Lax Pro stimulates the colon by way of peristalsis, a natural wave-like contraction. This is unlike harsh chemicals that have an irritating effect and may affect you at an inopportune time. Having a regular bowel movement is essential to properly eliminate waste and toxins.
Soza Aloe Cleanse
A NON-Laxative Aloe based product for relief of symptoms associated with chronic gastrointestinal issues such as Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, gastrointestinal reflux, Irritable bowel syndrome or bloating. Soza Aloe Cleanse helps relieve gastrointestinal pain and discomfort aiding in immunity and overall health of the gastrointestinal tract.
Soza Greens
A lemon-lime flavored alternative supplement for those who dislike or lack fruits and vegetables in their diet. An estimated 77% of Americans are not getting the recommended 2-4 servings of fruits and 59% are not getting the recommended 3-5 servings of vegetables.
Great tasting Soza Greens is meticulously cultivated and grown by certified organic farmers to ensure optimal preservation of enzymes and beneficial phytonutrients. Lacking phytonutrients and minerals in American Diets which are provided by Soza Greens are needed to prevent the increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease (stroke, hypertension), osteoporosis, immune system
deregulation and various degenerative disease manifestations like neurological/eye disorders kidney impairment. -
Soza Boost
Is specially formulated to help increase energy and burn calories for patients on training and weight lifting programs. In addition to more than 200mg of natural Caffeine per capsule from Guarana, Cha de Bugre, and Caffeine Anhydrous, Boost also contains Hoodia Cactus which is renowned for its effects on the appetite. Chromium Picolinate (Chromax) and Banaba Extract make up part of the Boost formula for their benefits in helping to regulate blood sugar which, in turn, can play a part in reducing food cravings.
Green Tea and one of its natural constituents, L-Theanine, are present to help increase calorie burning. Also included is Maca Extract which is also thought to act as a mild natural stimulant and Magnolia Bark Extract for its possible effects in helping to lower Cortisol levels which can lead to increased fat burning.
Methyl B-12
Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. It is normally involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis and regulation, but also fatty acid synthesis and energy production. It has also shown to support the immune system and assists in maximizing weight loss. Our natural sublingual formula is superior to most B-12 supplements on the market, as they generally come from synthetic sources.
Provides a boost of energy and help burning calories. Contains more than 200 mg of natural Caffeine per capsule from Guarana, Cha de Bugre, and Caffeine Anhydrous, Boost also contains Hoodia Cactus which is renowned for its effects on the appetite. Chromium Pollinate and Banana Extract make up part of the Boost formula for their benefits in helping to regulate blood sugar which, in turn, can play a part in reducing food cravings. Green Tea and one of its natural constituents, L-Theatine, are present to help increase calorie burning. Also included is Mace Extract which is also thought to act as a mild natural stimulant and Magnolia Bark Extract for its possible effects in helping to lower Cortisol levels which can lead to increased fat burning.
Elite Protein Shakes
Protein replacement available in Vanilla, Strawberry, and Chocolate. Elite protein powder is derived exclusively from Whey Protein Isolate and provides a high level of protein per serving with minimal carbohydrates, no sugar, no fat, no lactose and no cholesterol. SOZA Protein shakes offer an effective means of supplementing the diet with a source of protein that has an excellent Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Biological Value (BV) available. SOZA Protein is naturally sweetened with Stevia and uses flavor systems guaranteed to be free of MSG and other toxins. These shakes are great protein replacements while on the program, as well as part of a healthy lifestyle when dieting is complete. Beyond simply making a shake, this powder can be used to make pancakes, muffins and more!
Provides energy and aids in weight loss by burning fat. Contains pure green coffee bean extract, which is rich in a compound called Chlorogenic Acid. Independent studies have found that chlorogenic acid boosts our metabolism by preventing the release of glucose into the blood stream. Glucose is used by the body more immediately and this efficiency decreases glucose absorption. An increase in the metabolism of stored fat reserves is a by-product of this reduced glucose availability. Green Tea and one of its natural constituents, L-Theatine, are present to help increase calorie burning. African Mango burns fat and reduces fat formation while helping to control hunger and appetite. African Mango also slows carbohydrate absorption after a meal.
May reduce PMS, perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms. FemBalance is a Complex of vitamins, minerals and herbs which aids the endocrine system in balancing female hormones. It promotes favorable and safe conversion of estrogen, while detoxifying and eliminating excess hormones. Also provides antioxidant and potentially cancer preventative effects.
Garcinia Pure Helps block carbs from turning into fat & improves mood. Garcinia Cambogia, also known as HCA, has been called “the most exciting breakthrough in natural weight loss” by Dr. Oz. It aids in weight loss by inhibiting a key enzyme, Cytrate Lyase that the body needs to make fat from carbohydrates. HCA also increases serotonin levels, improving mood. It also helps to manage the stress hormone, cortisol, which is released by the adrenal glands during stressful times. Chronic high levels of cortisol have been shown to wreak havoc on metabolism. By managing this hormone, the body can more easily release stored fat to be metabolised.
A specific formula of vitamins and nutrients that nourish and support a healthy scalp and faster growing, stronger, more vibrant hair. MSM- Increases the production of hair cells, leading to longer, stronger, thicker hair. It revitalizes inactive hair follicles by stimulating scalp circulation. It enhances keratin which gives hair its strength and flexibility. This is also necessary for collagen production, which increases the strength and diameter of hair. Biotin renews the follicles and roots of the hairs that are already growing, making them healthier and resulting in decreased breakage, allowing for the hair to continue growing. Silica helps to maintain and repair collagen, giving hair its strength and ability to grow longer. Vitamin C is an antioxidant protecting hair from the damage of free radicals.
Super Fat burner. Lipo is a complex of nutrients that have lipotropic (fat burning) properties to support healthy fat metabolism and weight loss. These nutrients help with fatty liver conditions and reinforce healthy liver function. Everyone on our weight loss program can benefit from this product, as it will increase how quickly the body metabolizes fat.
Supports healthy liver and gallbladder function. This complex functions by aiding in the elimination of fatty substances and toxins from the liver, as well as supporting proper bile flow. Clients that can benefit from LV-GB are those without a gallbladder, those that previously had an unhealthy diet, those with the inability to handle fatty foods, and those with bloating, gas, GI distress, or skin problems. This product also offers excellent detoxification support for clients that have been on our weight loss program for several months.
Multivitamin Complete
Helps body to receive a comprehensive daily dose of vitamins & minerals for normal function. Applies the latest nutritional science and contains essential nutrients to bring you a complete multivitamin with minerals that helps you stay healthy. Supports immune system defenses with a balance of essential antioxidants like vitamin C and selenium. Helps support energy production with B-vitamins. Maintains strong bones with the balanced combination of vitamin D and calcium. Supports proper muscle and nerve function with magnesium and vitamin D. It’s recommended that all clients on a weight loss program should be taking a daily multivitamin with minerals.
Helps with carbohydrate cravings. Myco addresses an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria and candida yeast. Candida yeast feeds on sugar and carbs in the digestive system, which creates physical cravings. The ingredients in Myco provide a broad spectrum herbal formula to work against the most common pathogens present in the human GI tract, while being relatively sparing of normal flora.
Soza Thyroid Support
Like all of our glands, the thyroid gland needs supportive nutrients from food or supplements to act as raw ingredient precursors for its proper function. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone needs to give the cells the message to synthesize Thyroxine. Thyroxine, known as T4, needs to be converted into active T3.
This product provides botanical and nutritional enhancement of thyroid hormone production, peripheral conversion of T4 to T3, as well as receptor function and recognition of thyroid hormones. Patients with low thyroid hormone may suffer from excessive fatigue, depression, dry skin and brittle nails, inability to stand cold weather, memory problems and heavy or irregular menstrual periods.
Soza Mineral
Provides a comprehensive quality source of vitamins and minerals. This iron free mineral formula contains the finest chelated minerals for optimal absorption and utilization. Soza Mineral is ideal as a daily supplement for prevention of deficiency, or for use in mineral replenishment when there is a known deficiency or following medical treatments that may deplete mineral status such as chelation for heavy metals or heart disease.
Minerals often act as coenzymes so metabolic conversions can happen. Several minerals feed into the Krebs Cycle so energy can be made from food. Minerals are also involved in the immune system, hormone metabolism, vitamin metabolism, bone metabolism and reproduction.
Soza Pregnenolone Energy, Cognition & Skin SupportPregnenonlone is a hormone precursor, which normally manufactured in the body from cholesterol inside the mitochondria of many different cell types such as brain, retina, adrenal gland, liver skin, thymus and testes or ovaries. Supplementation with pregnenolone in animals and humans has shown improvements in memory or cognition and increased mental performance under stressful conditions. Pregnenolone has also shown to improve skin hydration.
Soza LibidoStim-M
Promotes male sexual desire. Features AlivEL 100, a highly potent, highly effective standardized extract of the herb Eurycoma longiflia, which boasts a variety of published clinical trial touting its effectiveness to help maintain normal testosterone which are important for supporting sexual desire and fertility as well as mood and energy.
Soza LibidoStim-F
Promotes female sexual desire. Complex formulary blend of nutraceutical and herbal ingredients which safely promote female sexual desire and pleasure.
Soza Mood
Soza Mood helps with mood, stress and sleep. Is a combination of specific ingredients intended to help enhance mood, reduce stress and improve sleep. Included in the formula are: SAMe for its benefits in the support of mood and emotional well-being. DMAE which helps with alertness and its positive influence on the mood. GABA for its relaxing and anti-anxiety properties. Chamomile Concentrate to help reduce stress and improve sleep.
Ashwagandha which is thought to have natural sedative properties. 5-HTP to help improve sleep and for its possible benefits in fighting depression. B-Complex Vitamins including B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, Folic Acid and Niacinamide for their many benefits in fighting stress and irritability while helping to promote a positive mood. Calcium and Magnesium are included for their benefits in helping prevent mood swings and depression along with calming the body.
Soza Energy
Soza energy provides energy and aids in weight loss. It is specially formulated to increase energybstores for patients who aren't as active yet still require more support to get them through the day and burn fat. Contains pure green coffee bean extract, which are beans rich in a compound called Chlorogenic Acid.
Independent studies have found that chlorogenic acid boosts our metabolism by preventing the release of glucose into the blood stream. Glucose is used by the body more immediately and this efficiency decreases glucose absorption.
An increase in the metabolism of stored fat reserves is a by-product of this reduced glucose availability. In time this results in weight loss - decreased body fat and mass. Green Tea and one of its natural constituents, L-Theanine, are present to help increase calorie burning. African Mango burns fat and reduces fat formation while helping to control hunger and appetite. African Mango also slows carbohydrate absorption after a meal.
Thyroid Support
Supports healthy thyroid function. Like all of our glands, the thyroid gland needs supportive nutrients from food or supplements to act as raw ingredient precursors for its proper function. This product provides botanical and nutritional enhancement of thyroid hormone production. Clients with low thyroid hormone production may suffer from excessive fatigue, depression, dry skin and brittle nails, inability to stand cold weather, memory problems and heavy or irregular menstrual cycles.
Protein Bars
Protein replacement available in several different flavors. Delicious nutrition bars designed to provide a healthy, high protein snack food or protein replacement for optimizing the intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and micronutrients. All SOZA bars have low glycemic indexes. These products are also great to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle once the weight loss program is complete.
Probiotic Complete
Helps balance the digestive system. Boost the power of your immune system and restore your body’s balance with Probiotic Complete. Probiotics are comprised of “friendly” bacteria similar to those found naturally in the body. The body’s immune system relies on friendly bacteria for healthy digestion, absorption of food and nutrients, as well as protection from microorganisms that can cause disease. Probiotic Complete uses only highly-stable “friendly” bacteria strains from Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, proven bacteria for aiding digestion, ridding of harmful organisms in the body and boosting the immune system. Contains 1 billion high quality probiotics which are helpful as a daily supplement for the general population. This supplement is helpful for those with an upset stomach, chronic constipation and after taking anti-biotic medications.